Mental Health Strategies for Those with Disabilities

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Therefore, taking care of yourself emotionally and mentally is essential to your overall well-being. 

For those living with disabilities, there are many added hurdles and challenges throughout day-to-day life that can put a toll on one’s mental health. The following mental health strategies have the ability to instill good habits and practices to positively manage your emotional wellness. 

Talk to Professionals


Speaking to a counselor or licensed therapist can be a pivotal point in processing negative emotions. Not only does talking through personal struggles allow you to release built-up thoughts and feelings, but a professional will also be able to offer potentially life-changing advice that can improve your mental health! 

Engage in Exercise


Finding a physical activity you enjoy is a great way to release negative emotions from your body. Exercising has been proven to alleviate feelings of stress or anxiety. Some fun ways to get up and get moving include:

  • Exercise classes
  • Outdoor walks
  • Adaptive sports
  • Group activities and games
  • Swimming
  • Biking 
  • Dancing
  • And more!

Form Meaningful Relationships


Forming strong relationships with like-minded people can contribute to your overall happiness. Having supportive friends creates a space to express your thoughts and feelings to someone who’s there to love, support, and listen to you. Be open to meeting new people and connecting with those you interact with regularly! 

Connect With Others


Connecting with other individuals with disabilities fosters a welcoming environment to communicate and relate to each others’ strengths and struggles. Community groups are a great way to find others to connect with. These groups can be found online through platforms such as Facebook and other community pages. Certain neighborhoods and communities may also create groups for those with similar interests or lifestyles looking to connect. 

Take Personal Time for Self Care


One of the most beneficial ways to recharge your mind and well-being is through self-care. Take time for yourself to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Self-care can look different for everybody. Some ideas include:


Encompassing positive habits to let your mental health thrive is important for all aspects of your well-being. Implementing daily changes that contribute to the betterment of your health is what makes all the difference!

Covey’s Culture of Caring 

Covey is a community space that welcomes individuals with disabilities to come together for activities, events, classes, and more to foster personal growth and well-being! Learn more about our upcoming events here.