The Importance of Community Service for Adults with Disabilities

Giving back through acts of community service is an important societal aspect, both for the community and for the individual helping! Accordingly, it’s important for adults with disabilities to participate in acts of community service to foster personal growth and to give back to their community. Self-empowerment and confidence, community belongingness, and skill building are just a few unique benefits of volunteering for community service. 

Personal Growth

Stepping out of one’s comfort zone may just be the catalyst to personal growth. Adults with disabilities can overcome struggles, fears, and challenges through exposure and perseverance to new environments and obstacles. Engaging in meaningful activities throughout the community helps foster personal growth within any individual, specifically in individuals with disabilities. Trying and succeeding in acts of service that are beneficial to the community can boost self-confidence, a sense of belonging, and empowerment within an individual!

Life Skills and Development

When individuals learn to work and provide service to a good cause, they often gain developmental life skills that can be carried throughout each chapter of their lives. Acts of service can be specifically rewarding to adults with disabilities, as they allow individuals the opportunity to see the positive results from their efforts. Giving back to the community and watching the positive results unravel can teach individuals real-life experiences about how hard work can pay off. 


Some life skills that can be developed from community service include:


  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Time management
  • Collaboration
Self-Empowerment and Socialization

Providing acts of community service can heighten anyone’s sense of purpose and confidence, however, this is especially important to those with disabilities. Overcoming challenges, working collectively with others, earning accomplishments, and contributing to the greater good are a few ways community service can contribute to self-empowerment. Additionally, most acts of community service involve working with others. Working towards a goal with a group of individuals creates a new sense of socialization and community. Prevailing through any obstacle with fellow volunteers can foster a new friendship or connection!

Community Give-Back

Contributing to the community through meaningful service can entail a variety of different tasks. Some common acts of community service include:


  • Outdoor clean-ups
  • Volunteering at local organizations:
    • Libraries
    • Animal shelters
    • Schools
    • Community gardens
    • Donation centers
  • Assisting community events 
  • Helping at food pantries and food drives


The overarching goal of community service is to initiate acts of service to benefit some aspect of the community that is in need. Volunteering within your community enhances a sense of belonging and fulfillment.


At Covey, we are devoted to providing adults with disabilities the opportunity to foster personal growth. We are thankful for our volunteer partners who open their doors to Covey volunteers, contributing to a more inclusive community!

  • Oshkosh Area Community Pantry
  • Hope Fridge
  • St. Vincent de Paul


Find out more about volunteer opportunities for adults with disabilities in the Greater Fox Valley!