Thank You, Golf Outing Supporters


Covey Golf Outing

Covey hosted our annual Golf Outing on Friday, July 21 – and the day was perfect! 50 golfers spent a sunny Friday morning on Lake Breeze Golf Course, bid generously during our auction, and even met a Covey Kids participant.

Tyler, a 16-year-old Covey Kids camper, had never been to a golf course and asked us to see the Golf Outing. But when he got to the clubhouse, Tyler was so excited about everyone who was there, and he wanted to go meet all the golfers. Covey staff took him out on the course so Tyler could talk to everyone! “He shook a lot of hands,” said Pam Schutz, our Executive Director.

Marci’s Story

For golfers – and Covey staff – the highlight was Marci, a Covey parent who shared her story with supporters.

“I’m glad that there is Covey because there are people to take care of [my daughter],” Marci said. “I’m like a lot of parents out there with kids who don’t have anywhere to go except a place like this. Without Covey, I don’t know what I would do.”

Your support during the 2017 Golf Outing – and always – helps us provide programs for people like Marci and her daughter. Thank you!

Join us for next year’s Golf Outing on July 20, 2018!