How to Identify Sensory Overload with a Sensory Overload Test

Do you ever get overstimulated by certain environments or interactions? Sensory overload is the feeling of overstimulation caused by certain environments, interactions, or any other stimuli that interact with one’s senses. Sensory overload can be identified with a sensory overload test, more commonly known as a sensory assessment. 

What is Sensory Overload?

Sensory overload occurs when one or more senses are overstimulated, triggering physiological responses. This can cause panic attacks, stress, anxiety, dizziness, and other physical and emotional reactions. While anyone can experience sensory overload, it is more common to affect individuals with certain conditions such as PTSD, autism, and ADHD. 

What’s a Sensory Overload Test?

Sensory overload can be found by conducting a sensory assessment. An occupational therapist normally tests an individual for this. During a sensory assessment, an individual is evaluated on how they process certain environments and react to different stimuli. Aside from a sensory assessment, sensory overload can be identified through clinical observations as well. Insight on an individual’s day-to-day behaviors can also contribute to identifying sensory overload through an occupational therapist. 

What Happens After a Sensory Assessment?

Once an occupational therapist has identified an individual has sensory overload, they work with the individual to implement strategies and changes in the environment to reduce overstimulation. This can include:

  • Changes in education methods
  • Adaptations in the home and daily living environments
  • Physical removal of triggering stimuli
  • Implementation of adaptive equipment, sensory tools, and other adjustments 


The most important method of treatment is to identify and reduce triggers. Working with an occupational therapist and testing certain environments and stimuli allows an individual to identify what factors trigger sensory overload. Upon identifying them, it’s important to work on reducing or eliminating exposure to them. For some, reducing triggers may be avoiding certain environments such as crowded public spaces, while others may eliminate certain foods or beverages. Sensory overload is different for each individual and has a multitude of different solutions based on one’s needs.

Covey Cares

Covey’s mission strives to not only support and care for individuals, but to foster personal growth and meaningful development. For example, our respite house at Sioux offers sensory and quiet spaces for those with sensory overload tendencies. Learn more about our respite care here. Join our caring community of education, activities, events, care, and more!