Parenting is no easy task. Whether you’re a parent to a newborn, toddler, teen, adult, or child with disabilities, this role comes with great responsibilities, difficult roles, and ultimately, incredibly rewarding moments. The following resources and tips can help any parent instill a plan for long-term success.
Online Resources
The Center for Parent Information and Resources, or CPIR, calls themselves a “central hub” for the array of Parent Centers aiding families of children with disabilities. This nation-wide organization provides information, materials, community platforms, and resources for families and parents. Additionally, the CPIR hosts webinars to highlight important topics and educate parents on how to provide the best care for their children.
This online resource creates a space for parents to connect to others with similar responsibilities to learn and support one another. Although this organization is based in Wisconsin, their website provides a plethora of accessible resources. Parent to Parent’s website includes network support, support parent training opportunities, tips, and other community resources.
For families of children with social, emotional, or behavioral challenges, this parent-ran organization provides emotional support and assistance in navigating specific treatments or service systems. Wisconsin Family Ties offers programs and services such as program peer specialists, webinar training, industry research, nationwide advocacy, and an annual conference focused on addressing the needs of children and families living with mental and behavioral health issues.
Everyday Practices
Long-term success begins with everyday actions. Instilling a regular routine of beneficial practices sets the path for positive and purposeful parenting. Discovering what habits, activities, or practices work for your child on a regular basis can help instill the consistency to continue improving in needed areas.
Additionally, it’s important to find moments in each day to recharge, reset, and revitalize yourself as a parent. Whether that be first thing in the morning or right before bed, your wellbeing as a parent is just as important as your child’s.
Community Involvement
One of the most accessible ways to learn about parenting practices is by finding support through communities. Whether this be a physical space in your local community, a network of individuals, a specific support group, or an online community page or forum, connecting and learning through others in similar situations is beneficial to all.
Covey is devoted to creating opportunities that foster personal growth for individuals with disabilities and their families. Learn more about the Covey community and who we are.