New Year’s Goals – The Importance of Goal Setting

The New Year is a season of reflecting, evaluating, and resetting—creating the perfect opportunity to set meaningful goals! 

Goal setting looks different for everyone. Consider these factors when creating your list: what you’d like to improve on, what you’d like to accomplish, and how you can make those things happen. Setting your goals with intention and working towards those goals can boost your overall emotional and physical well-being, while also building strength and perseverance. Looking to foster personal growth and confidence? Set a few meaningful goals and resolutions for the new year!

Personal Growth

Setting specific goals to achieve personal growth is a great start to the new year. Goals that strive for improvement in personal well-being may be:

  • Social skills – Building new connections, strengthening relationships, or improving communication
  • Self awareness – Determining personal strengths, weaknesses, and ways to improve
  • Health goals – Creating an exercise routine, forming healthy habits, or trying a new fulfilling activity


By making your goals clear and specific, accomplishments towards personal growth can be measurable and attainable.


Through the process of creating, setting, and achieving goals, individuals are taught to hold themselves accountable. Accountability entails taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. When creating your New Year’s goals, physically writing them down and how they can be achieved allows you to hold yourself accountable. Additionally, setting realistic milestones or accomplishments along the way give you small successes to celebrate!

Confidence and Accomplishment

The most rewarding part of goal-setting is the feeling of accomplishment once they’re achieved. That’s why it is important to set goals that are measurable and attainable to your capabilities. Goal accomplishment fuels motivation and resilience for more goal-setting in the future. From small milestones to end-goals, achieving goals along the way can boost your confidence and build trust in your capabilities. 

Covey’s Community-Based Day Services

At Covey, we strive to foster personal growth by offering meaningful opportunities to our participants. Through our Adult Day Services program, we help adults with disabilities establish goals and a plan to achieve them. If you want your loved one to gain independence and live a life filled with engaging experiences, consider our Community-Based Day Services this New Year!