Healthy Relationships – Love on the Spectrum

Understanding the positive habits of healthy relationships allows partners to flourish both individually and in a relationship! Specifically for individuals with disabilities, learning to grow together in a healthy environment is an important aspect of building a sustainable relationship. The Netflix show “Love on the Spectrum” follows the dating lives of individuals on the autism spectrum. This insightful series shows ways of overcoming challenges and embracing the happy moments while creating a healthy relationship.


One of the biggest takeaways viewers observe when watching the show “Love on the Spectrum” is the importance of communication in a healthy relationship. With the emotional and physical challenges some individuals with autism encounter, it can be even more challenging to communicate and express emotions to others. Watching the cast overcome these challenges by learning to trust their partners teaches the audience just how important emotional expression and communication is.

Learning from Mistakes

While growing in life and in a relationship, making mistakes is inevitable. However, learning and growing from these mistakes encourages positive growth in a healthy relationship. Overcoming hardships with your partner strengthens each other’s trust and understanding. On the show, some cast members have made mistakes that hurt their partners’ feelings. Watching them talk through their issues and come out stronger in the end emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and learning from mistakes.

Stray Away from Standards

Another perspective shown on “Love on the Spectrum” relates to healthy relationships not relying on society’s standards. The parameters of a relationship can look different for everyone, specifically those on the autism spectrum. Everyone has unique ways of expressing themselves and their feelings in a relationship. The show gives great insight into how it’s a positive thing to not confine your relationship to what society’s typical standards are. Embracing each other’s differences and learning to love and accept one another is what matters. 

With the rising popularity and success of the show, viewers have become more aware and accepting of relationships among those on the spectrum. Awareness of this subject helps diminish negative stereotypes to help relationships flourish. 

Let’s Talk About It

Covey strives to create a community that fosters personal growth. Our “Let’s Talk About It” program is an educational initiative to discuss and learn about healthy connections, relationships, intimacy, and more for individuals with disabilities.