Caregiver Tips – 5 Healthy Habits for Family Caregivers

Being a caregiver for a family member is no easy task. This compassionate role requires patience, respect, understanding, and, most importantly, balance. The key is finding balance between your responsibilities and role as a care provider, while also prioritizing your personal wellness and mental health. These five healthy habits for family caregivers serve as great tips to maintain your overall well-being. 

Find Hobbies


Engaging in hobbies is essential for caregivers to recharge and maintain balance. Whether it’s joining an exercise class, hiking, trying new recipes, or exploring other interests, hobbies provide a refreshing break from caregiving. They offer a chance to shift your focus, boost your mood, and enhance your well-being. Prioritizing activities you enjoy not only brings personal satisfaction, but also helps prevent burnout.

Connect to the Caregiver Community


Reaching out to the caregiver community can provide valuable support and connection. Whether through online forums, Facebook groups, or in-person community events, engaging with others who share similar experiences helps build a meaningful support network. Connecting with fellow caregivers offers not just practical advice and emotional support, but also helps you feel less isolated. Sharing challenges, successes, and coping strategies with others in the same role can provide comfort, encouragement, and valuable insights. 

Practice Mindfulness


When prioritizing your mental health and well-being, mindfulness is essential. Setting aside time to give your mind a mental break and process your emotions allows you to reduce stress and gain clarity. Practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or simply being present in the moment, can help you manage difficult emotions and find moments of calmness. These practices enable you to approach caregiving with a more balanced perspective and open mind.

Foster Open Communication with Family Members


Maintaining open communication with family members who understand your situation is crucial for effective caregiving. When you share your challenges, needs, and feelings with relatives who are familiar with your family dynamics, you create a supportive network. Discussing caregiving responsibilities and concerns helps to clarify expectations, distribute tasks more fairly, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. By maintaining open communication, you enhance the support system around you.

Set Aside Time for Yourself


Whether this means engaging in hobbies, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a break, setting aside time for yourself is crucial for maintaining your emotional well-being as a family caregiver. The responsibilities of caregiving can consume a significant portion of your time and energy, usually leaving little room for personal needs. However, prioritizing time for self-care is essential to recharge and give your mind a break. Dedicating time to yourself in a weekly schedule is a great step in prioritizing your self-care.


Request Respite at Covey


At Covey, we understand that caring for a loved one is more than a full-time job. It’s your life. That’s why we are here to support you. We believe that when given respite, resources, and the opportunity to recharge, caregivers can renew their ability to nurture. 


Covey strives to create a caring community for adults with disabilities in the Oshkosh and Appleton area.  With custom care for each and every participant, you can be confident that your loved one is in good hands.

You are your loved one’s strongest support network. Let Covey be yours. Read more about Covey’s mission here.