5 Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

Being a family caregiver is more than a full-time job—it’s your entire life. The act of caring for a loved one with intellectual or developmental disabilities can occupy almost every moment of your day. It is not uncommon for this to become overwhelming, eventually affecting your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. In fact, most caregivers report suffering from moderate to severe fatigue and stress.

That’s when respite care comes to the rescue—to provide temporary care for your loved one who requires attention and assistance. Whether you’re going out of town, have a family emergency, or simply need some time for self care, respite care programs are here to help. All family caregivers deserve the opportunity to relax, recharge, and renew their ability to nurture.

5 Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

Get some much needed relaxation

With the support of respite, caregivers are given the chance to rest, relax, and recharge from the daily workload of caregiving. Whether it’s for a week, a night, or just an afternoon, you can revel in peace of mind that your loved one is in good hands—and you’re off the clock. Take this time to get a massage, take a bath, and reconnect with your sense of self.

Improve your health

Caregiving comes with a lot of stress on your physical and mental health. Not to mention, family caregivers tend to neglect their own well-being to solely care for their loved one. With the help of respite care, you can get back to focusing on your own health—whether it’s catching up on some much needed sleep, reading a book, or getting physically active outside of the house.

Re-engage with hobbies

You are a caregiver for your loved one, but you are more than just that. You have hobbies, skills, and interests of your own that you may not have been able to explore in a while. Use this time to re-engage with activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Connect with others

Respite gives you the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family members that you
don’t see as much as you’d like to. Stress tends to dwindle when you’re surrounded by
people you love. You may also find the time to network with other families with disabilities and reach out to community resources.

Renew your sense of self

Remember, you’re only human. It’s normal to get tired, fatigued, and even burnt out. You can’t serve from an empty vessel. By taking time away from caregiving, you allow yourself time to rest and rejuvenate, so you can return to your duties—refreshed and with a renewed sense of resolve. A little bit of rest can go a long way. Mentally recharge and get ready to welcome more challenges—and joys—of caregiving.

Covey’s Respite Care Program

Covey is a non-profit organization devoted to fostering personal growth for adults with disabilities and their families. We believe that when given respite, resources, and the opportunity to recharge, family caregivers can renew their ability to nurture.

We have two respite homes, located in Appleton and Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where we provide round-the-clock care for stays lasting as little as two hours or as long as 28 days. Covey’s care is unique in that it is customized to each and every individual. We pride ourselves on truly knowing our participants and catering our care to their needs. Our friendly, highly-trained staff is happy to offer an inclusive, inviting environment for all participants.

You are your loved one’s strongest support network. Let Covey be yours.

Request respite today.